
Landscapes NI unite behind manifesto for change

Northern Ireland AONBs unite in ambitious manifesto offer for nature, climate and people

Northern Ireland's Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and other landscapes have united to create a powerful manifesto outlining their huge potential to deliver for nature, climate and people.

Landscapes NI has brought together all the landscape actors in Northern Ireland for the first time: Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Geoparks and Partnerships - to create a strong, collaborative network to build the community and take action. The manifesto outlines the network's priorities. A strengthening of these can-do partnerships with adequate legal frameworks and increased funding would deliver immense benefits.

The National Landscapes Association is delighted to be forming ever stronger links with the Landscapes teams across Northern Ireland - there is enormous commonality in our aims and work and so much potential to expand nature restoration efforts, climate change mitigation work and support more people to reap the immense benefits and enjoyment of time in green and blue spaces across the entirety of the UK. We are proud to be taking a joined up approach, across landscapes and devolved areas to explore greater opportunities for collaboration and support.