
Sustainable Development Fund - funding for projects in Wales

Y Gronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy

Cefnogi Arloesedd a Chynaliadwyedd yn Nhirweddau Cenedlaethol Cymru

Sefydlwyd y Gronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn 2001 i gefnogi prosiectau sy’n hyrwyddo datblygu cynaliadwy yn Nhirweddau Cenedlaethol Cymru. Mae’r gronfa, a weinyddir gan dimau Tirweddau Cenedlaethol, yn canolbwyntio ar:

  • Warchod a gwella harddwch naturiol, bywyd gwyllt, a threftadaeth ddiwylliannol.
  • Hybu defnydd cynaliadwy o dir a datblygu cymunedol.
  • Cefnogi mentrau sy’n cyd-fynd â Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015 a fframweithiau deddfwriaethol allweddol eraill.

Mae pob Tirwedd Cenedlaethol yng Nghymru yn cael cyfran gyfartal o’r gronfa, sy’n dod i £100,000 bob blwyddyn, gan feithrin ystod amrywiol o brosiectau sydd o fudd i gymunedau lleol a’r amgylchedd.

Cyflawniadau ac Effaith

Dros y blynyddoedd, mae’r Gronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy wedi ariannu nifer o brosiectau sy’n cyd-fynd â blaenoriaethau lleol a chenedlaethol. O ymdrechion cadwraeth arloesol i fentrau cynaliadwyedd a arweinir gan y gymuned, mae’r gronfa wedi dangos gwerth rhagorol am arian gyda chyfradd ymyrraeth o 31% ar gyfartaledd.

Cyflawniadau Allweddol:

  • Gwell cydweithio: Partneriaethau cryfach rhwng timau Tirweddau Cenedlaethol a chymunedau lleol.
  • Prosiectau Arloesol: Cefnogi prosiectau arloesol sy’n adlewyrchu anghenion lleol a blaenoriaethau Tirweddau Cenedlaethol.
  • Canlyniadau Eang: Cyflawni buddion helaeth, yn aml y tu hwnt i gwmpas cychwynnol prosiectau, gan gyfrannu at les cyffredinol y rhanbarthau.

Gwneud Cais i’r Gronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy

Os oes gennych brosiect a all gyfrannu at gynaliadwyedd a gwelliant ein tirweddau gwerthfawr, fe’ch anogwn i wneud cais i’r Gronfa Datblygu Cynaliadwy am gymorth. Mae’r gronfa ar agor i awdurdodau lleol, grwpiau gwirfoddol, sefydliadau cymunedol, a phartneriaethau. I gael canllawiau manwl a ffurflenni cais, ymwelwch â’r gwefannau Tirweddau Cenedlaethol unigol neu cysylltwch â’ch tîm Tirweddau Cenedlaethol lleol yn uniongyrchol.

Sustainable Development Fund (SDF)

Supporting Innovation and Sustainability in Wales' National Landscapes

The SDF was established by the Welsh Government in 2001 with the aim of supporting projects that promote sustainable development in the National Landscapes of Wales. Administered by National Landscape teams, the fund focuses on:

  • Enhancing and conserving natural beauty, wildlife, and cultural heritage.
  • Promoting sustainable land use and community development.
  • Supporting initiatives aligned with the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 and other key legislative frameworks.

Each National Landscape in Wales receives an equal allocation of the fund, which amounts to £100,000 annually, fostering a diverse range of projects that benefit local communities and the environment.

Achievements and Impact

Over the years, the SDF has funded numerous projects that align with local and national priorities. From innovative conservation efforts to community-led sustainability initiatives, the fund has demonstrated excellent value for money with an average intervention rate of 31%.

Key Achievements:

  • Enhanced Collaboration: Strengthened partnerships between National Landscape teams and local communities.
  • Innovative Projects: Supported groundbreaking projects reflective of local needs and National Landscape priorities.
  • Broad Outcomes: Delivered extensive benefits, often beyond initial project scopes, contributing to the overall well-being of the regions.

Applying for Sustainable Development Fund

If you have a project that can contribute to the sustainability and enhancement of our precious landscapes, we encourage you to apply for SDF support. The fund is open to local authorities, voluntary groups, community organisations, and partnerships. For detailed guidance and application forms, please visit the respective National Landscape websites or contact your local National Landscape team directly.