Gower National Landscape / Tirwedd Cenedlaethol Gŵyr

Small in size, rich in nature. Gower's scenery ranges from sand dunes and salt marsh in the north to dramatic limestone cliffs and sandy beaches along the south coast. Away from the coast, the hills of Cefn Bryn and Rhossili Down dominate the landscape of small fields, wooded valleys and open commons.

Gower NL - Three Cliffs

Three Cliffs

Mae Gŵyr, sy’n fach o ran maint ond yn gyfoethog o ran natur, yn ymfalchïo mewn tirwedd amrywiol o dwyni tywod a morfeydd heli yn y gogledd i glogwyni calchfaen a thraethau tywodlyd yn y de. I’r tir, mae bryniau Cefn Bryn a Rhos Rhosili yn dominyddu caeau, dyffrynnoedd coediog, a thir comin agored.

Mae amgylchedd naturiol amrywiol Gŵyr yn cynnwys rhos, glaswelltir, corsydd, twyni, a choetiroedd o arwyddocâd rhyngwladol. Mae’n cynnwys pum Ardal Cadwraeth Arbennig, safle Ramsar, tair Gwarchodfa Natur Genedlaethol, dwy Warchodfa Natur Leol, a nifer o Safleoedd o Ddiddordeb Gwyddonol Arbennig. Mae pobl wedi bod yn byw yng Ngŵyr ers y cyfnod cynhanesyddol, ac mae’n gyfoeth o safleoedd hynafol, gan gynnwys nodweddion Neolithig ac Oes Efydd a system caeau agored ganoloesol. Mae’r morlin wedi’i warchod i raddau helaeth gan Gyngor Abertawe, yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol, Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, a’r Ymddiriedolaeth Natur.

Mae ffermio traddodiadol yn parhau gyda mentrau âr a da byw cymysg bach, a hawliau pori tir comin hynafol. Mae llawer o’r 10,000 o bobl sy’n byw yng Ngŵyr yn cymudo i Abertawe gyfagos. Mae twristiaeth yn allweddol i’r economi leol, gan fod Gŵyr yn gyrchfan chwaraeon dŵr a gwyliau teulu pwysig o fewn pedair awr o 18 miliwn o bobl. Mae ei 431 km (268 o filltiroedd) o lwybrau troed a llwybrau ceffylau yn cynnig profiadau amrywiol i ymwelwyr a phobl leol fel ei gilydd.

Gower NL - Beach Sculpture Festival Bracelet Bay 2018

Beach Sculpture Festival, Bracelet Bay 2018

Small in size, rich in nature, Gower boasts a diverse landscape from northern sand dunes and salt marshes to southern limestone cliffs and sandy beaches. Inland, the hills of Cefn Bryn and Rhossili Down dominate fields, wooded valleys, and open commons.

Gower's varied natural environment includes heath, grassland, marshes, dunes, and woodlands, holding international significance. It features five Special Areas of Conservation, a Ramsar site, three National Nature Reserves, two Local Nature Reserves, and numerous Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Settled since prehistoric times, Gower is rich with ancient sites, including Neolithic and Bronze Age features and a medieval open field system. The coastline is largely protected by Swansea Council, the National Trust, Natural Resources Wales, and the Wildlife Trust.

Traditional farming persists with small, mixed arable and livestock enterprises, and ancient commons grazing rights. Many of Gower's 10,000 residents commute to nearby Swansea. Tourism is vital to the local economy, with Gower being a major water sports and family holiday destination within four hours of 18 million people. Its 431 km (268 miles) of footpaths and bridleways offer diverse experiences for visitors and locals alike.

Gower NL - Llangennith Beach

Llangennith Beach