Case Study

Shropshire Hills farm project reduces flood risk and cleans up water

Coppice Farm FiPL project restores watercourses to original state

Ben Cooke farms at Coppice Farm in Shropshire Hills National Landscape. He was awarded a Farming in Protected Landscapes grant of just under £36,000 for a two-year project contributing to cleaner water in the Upper Onny area.

Coppice Farm is in the Upper Onny area of the Shropshire Hills National Landscape. The wider area is the location of a long term water management project involving multiple agencies (Environment Agency, Shropshire Wildlife Trust, National Trust, Natural England and an independent ecologist).

Initially the Farming in Protected Landscapes grant funded a Farm Water Audit for Coppice farm. These audits help farmers to make business and land management decisions to help improve water quality in local rivers and streams, water resource mitigation works and watercourse protection and restoration opportunities. The audit supported Farmer Ben to decide on FiPL funded priorities to improve water quality on the farm:

  • Install fencing along a watercourse to exclude livestock and protect wetland habitat on the Bilbatch Brook bordering the Longmynd Site of Special Scientific Interest
  • Install two solar water pump systems, water storage tank, plus relevant pipework and drag troughs to provide drinking water to livestock, and support the introduction of a rotational grazing system across approximately 50 hectares of upland grass land and hill ground.
  • Erect of stock proof fencing to restrict access to an Environment Agency funded (Water Environment Investment Fund) wetland enhancement project on the Darnford Brook to slow the flow and encourage wetland birds and invertebrates.
  • Restore over 1 hectare of wetland either side of the Bilbatch Brook. The eventual aim is for landscape-scale restoration of a watercourse back to its most natural state prior to human intervention. This involves modifying the normal single channel enabling it to reconnect with the floodplain and at the same time, raising water table.
Luke Neal Shropshire Wildlife Trust A view of Darnford Brook, the brook is on the left of the photo. Tall, slim trees are on the bank of the brook on the right. In the foreground we can see that trees have been newly coppiced.

Improved wetland habitat

The benefits the project will bring are:

- River restoration on the Bilbatch Brook will slow water flow significantly through the valley. This outcome is enhanced by the Environment Agency WEIF project taking place alongside this project on the Darnford Brook.
- Restoring wetland and river corridor habitat to help species become more resilient to climate change.


- Through this project 3.7 hectares of wetland and river corridors have been protected and enhanced.
- Fencing along the watercourse keeps livestock out, helping to restore and increase wetland habitat for wading birds such as Curlew and Lapwing.
- The restored wetland area connects other smaller areas of wetland, wet flushes and scrub habitat.
- New fencing will improve water quality as streams are no longer poached by livestock drinking. This removes the risk of siltation and nitrification.
- The restored wetland is ideal habitat for some of our rarer plant and animal species such as the Marsh Violet, creeping forget-me-not and Dark Green Fritillary Butterfly.


- Helping to ‘slow the flow’ and reduce the risk of downstream flooding to local pub and other properties.
- Sharing information about the project and experiences with neighbouring farmers through the Upper Onny Farmers Group.
- Raising awareness about the importance of wetland habitat and how farmers are helping to restore these valuable habitats.
- The project has also led to an access and interpretation project (supported by Defra’s Access for All fund) to improve accessibility along the footpath which forms part of the long distance walking route the Shropshire Way. An interpretation panel will include messaging about the importance of restoring wetland habitat and the project.

- Changes to farming practices will enhance productivity in a sustainable manner, increasing resilience of the farm business, which supports three households in the local area.

Luke Neal Shropshire Wildlife Trust A fallen tree blocks a stream. The stream is quite brown.

Leaky dam slows the river flow in winter

The future

After the Coppice Farm Water Audit, a further Farming in Protected Landscapes project supported water audits on 12 farms in the Upper Onny catchment. This project has the potential for a positive impact on 3,306 hectares of farmed land, and to date three new water-related projects are being delivered locally, funded by Environment Agency and delivered by the Severn Rivers Trust.

There are also opportunities for Ben and other farmers to access future grants through Sustainable Farming Incentive and Countryside Stewardship Schemes.

Ben is a member of the Upper Onny Farmers Group, where farmers are working at a landscape scale in a way that benefits the environment, ensures viable farm businesses and food production. Ben is sharing his knowledge and experience with other members of the farmers group, he has held an event on the farm to talk about the project and is able to offer advice and support to other farmers thinking about doing something similar.

Ben will maintain the fencing so that boundaries to the protected wetlands remain secure with livestock excluded for most of the year, allowing wildlife to thrive and habitats to improve.

The farm team is working to improve grassland management and are trialling different farming techniques, such as deferred grass grazing and outwintering of livestock, to enable the farm to respond to challenges caused by climate change and making the farm business more resilient.

A brook with a lot of vegetation growing around it

Restoring the brook back to its most natural state